Legal information
Ayusa International e. V.
Giesebrechtstraße 10
D - 10629 Berlin
Chairman: Martin Vogt
Register: VR Nr. 19381 Nz
District court: Berlin Charlottenburg
The information on this website is general and cannot be applied to individual cases and circumstances. It is not binding. The information alone does not constitute a sufficient basis for action, but must be supplemented by appropriate professional advice, taking into account all details of the particular situation in question. We will endeavor to correct any errors on our website but, to the extent permitted by law, exclude liability for the information contained on our web pages.
Despite careful checking of contents, we accept no liability for the contents of external links. The operators of linked websites are exclusively responsible for their contents.
© 2022 Ayusa International e. V., Giesebrechtstraße 10, D-10629 Berlin,
Tel: +49-30-84 39 39 20, Fax: +49-30-84 39 39